Entrance Qualifications
Prerequisites for prospective students
EPTA focuses on training each student to be skilled in reading and studying the biblical texts to understand it accurately. EPTA is not for just any kind of Christian ministry. We train students to be expository teachers and preachers. Most graduates are men who are pastors with an active preaching role in their church. However, we do admit both men and women who are not pastors but have active teaching roles in their church and seek to understand how to accurately handle the Word of God.
Primarily EPTA desires to admit men who meet the qualifications of an overseer in 1 Timothy 3.
Here are some things we look for:
- They must be men who have genuinely repented of their sin and placed their faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.
- They must be called by God to be pastors. (1 Tim. 2:12-14; Eph. 4:11)
- They must maintain personal holiness in all areas of life and ministry which includes family, work and social activities.
- They must be men of proven character (Acts 6:3).
- If married, the wife must agree with the husband that God has called him to be an pastor of Christ’s flock. (His wife also must reflect the qualifications of a godly wife.)
- They must substantially demonstrate godly characteristics in line with 1 Tim. 3:1-7.
- They must be men who are committed without reservation to the EPTS doctrinal statement.
- They must be men who are actively preaching in their local church at least two times per month.
- They must men who have the necessary mental skills to engage in exegetical studies, expository preaching, biblical counseling and pastoral ministry.
- They must be men free from debt and exercise financial integrity.