Admissions Process

EPTS students come from many different backgrounds. We are not affiliated with any single denomination. Instead, we are open to working with anyone who desires to learn to present God’s Word effectively.
Who Should Apply?
We realize our training is valuable. We also know that there will be a high demand for it as pastors around Myanmar begin to see the difference this training makes in a shepherd’s ability to understand and preach the Scriptures effectively. Therefore we want to do the best possible job training men from the beginning, and this will mean only admitting the best candidates. If you meet our entrance qualifications, are a man who is dedicated to proclaiming the truth, and are a man willing to humbly submit himself to an intense training programme in order to become more useful for the Church, please apply. This in-vestment will change your ministry. (See application on page 36.)
How Are Applicants Selected?
After receiving applications, our faculty takes time to carefully review each one. Applicants who submit their paperwork by January 1 will be contacted about scheduling a face to face interview by February 1. After completing a face to face interview, candidates will be asked to take an English proficiency exam on the same day. Candidates will know within a week after the interview whether or not they have been accepted to study at EPTS.
What Happens After Admission?
Every student will be evaluated after one year regarding their character, calling and academics. If the student is found not exhibiting growth in these areas then The Expository Pastoral Training Seminary reserves the right to dismiss the student. While not demanding perfection, there should be continued growth in these areas.