Resources at EPTS
Extensive library and books for sale
EPTS has a thousand volumes of valuable books for pastors and laymen. We also have video sermons and lectures available for anyone who desires spiritual growth. We welcome all to use our resources free of charge under the supervision of our staff.
Books for Sale
MacArthur Books
The MacArthur Study Bible (NKJV, ESV, NASB)
The MacArthur Topical Bible
The MacArthur Handbook
John MacArthur’s New Testament Commentaries
Other John MacArthur Books on Various Topics
Other Authors
What to Look for in a Pastor by Brian Biedebach
Expository Preaching by Steven A. Kreloft
The Titus Mandate by Ted Bigelow
The Bible in a Nutshell by Chris Williams
The Confusing World of Benny Hinn by G. R. Fisher & M. K. Goedelman
Books for Ladies (by Susan J. Heck)
Tested Faith: A Ladies’ Bible Study of the Epistle of James
On Our Knees: A Ladies’ Bible Study on Prayer
In Fullness of Joy: A Ladies’ Bible Study on Philippians
Assurance: Twenty Tests for God’s Children
A Call to Scripture Memory
A Call to Discipleship
Putting Off Life Dominating Sins