Application for Enrollment Form Downloads Download Pastor's Reference Form (PDF) Important: Enrollment is selective and limited; therefore, please submit all materials as early as possible. Full legal name (required) Month and year you expect to enroll (required) Your current postal address (required) Home Phone (required) Business Phone Your Email (required) What do you consider your home town and state (or country)? Date of birth (required, YYYY-MM-DD format) Place of birth Marital History (required) —Please choose an option—SingleEngagedMarriedSeparatedDivorcedWidowedDivorced/RemarriedWidowed/Remarried If applicable, spouse/fiancee name If applicable, date of marriage (YYYY-MM-DD format) If applicable, names and ages of children Do you agree to notify EPTS of any change in marital status? YesNo Note: If either you or your spouse has ever been divorced please attach a statement outlining (a) the circumstances involved, (b) your view on the related biblical teaching, and (c) your perception of the impact upon your future ministry. Please ask your pastor to write a letter also outlining his evaluation of these circumstances and your marriage. Please attach a Word or PDF document. What is your present employment? What are your plans for Christian service? Member of what church? (name and address) Note: If not a member of any church explain why What affiliation/denomination is your church a part of? Where do you presently attend church? (if not the same as above) What affiliation/denomination is this church a part of? How frequently do you attend and how are you involved at your church? Are you OrdainedLicensed Ordained/Licensed by whom? List all the educational institutions you have attended, in chronological order (please list: Name, Years Attended, Year of Graduation, Average Grade, Degree Earned, Field of Study). Please have an official transcript from the institution where you received your degree sent directly to the Pastoral Training Seminary. Please list below your most recent employment experiences Do you intend to be a full time student? YesNo Doctrinal Statement Read Doctrinal Statement (page will open in a new window, your data will not be lost) If there are any areas of disagreement, please list them below If there are any areas you are still to form an opinion, please list them below By submitting this form, I testify that I have read, understood and agree to abide by the above Doctrinal Statement of The Expository Pastoral Training Seminary If you have not completed this form yourself, who was your helper and why? Note: We need to separately receive reference forms from your pastor/full-time Christian worker. (download here) What is this person's name? (required) Please attach a Word or PDF document in which you have written a one-page (approximately) account of your salvation testimony. (required) Please attach a Word or PDF document in which you state your career goals and reasons for applying for enrollment (required) Please attach an image file (jpg, png) of a recent photo of yourself (required) Standards of Conduct The Expository Pastoral Training Seminary is for earnest Christians who are preparing for Christian leadership and are sensitive to the many principles for holy living which are found in the Bible. Students are required to abstain from the use of illegal drugs, tobacco, beverages for intoxication, and any forms of worldly entertainment which are inconsistent with a holy life. Although such regulations cannot improve upon our perfect standing in Christ, they do strengthen our lives and our individual and corporate testimonies. By submitting this form, I testify that If admitted, I agree to seek earnestly the will of God for my life, to confirm sincerely to the standards of conduct of the Expository Pastoral Training Seminary, and to assist in maintaining the spirit and letter of Seminary regulations. Δ Upcoming Dates May 6 Tue all-day Preachers’ Academy Preachers’ Academy May 6 – May 8 all-day Jun 3 Tue all-day Preachers’ Academy Preachers’ Academy Jun 3 – Jun 5 all-day Jul 1 Tue all-day Preachers’ Academy Preachers’ Academy Jul 1 – Jul 3 all-day Aug 5 Tue all-day Preachers’ Academy Preachers’ Academy Aug 5 – Aug 7 all-day Sep 2 Tue all-day Preachers’ Academy Preachers’ Academy Sep 2 – Sep 4 all-day View Calendar Add Add to Timely Calendar Add to Google Add to Outlook Add to Apple Calendar Add to other calendar Export to XML